Monday, May 5, 2014

Mother's Day Giveaway Results!

I am so excited to let you guys know that Kathleen Peter's family was drawn for the Family Portrait Session!

Everyone who entered will get 20% off their next session fee for a portrait session with me, this will expire at the end of August! So use it while you can!

You guys sent in some really sweet messages on what you like about being a mom! I wanted to share a couple of those with everyone :)

Crystal sent in a really sweet message! She is a mom of one little girl who is almost one (in a couple months) -

"I can't even explain what it's like to be a mom! I just want to burst into tears thinking about it. :) It's the most rewarding and amazing feeling you will ever experience. Exhausting but the best exhaustion one can ever feel! ;) The best part is seeing the sweet face and all the kisses/snuggles ;)"

Samantha also sent in a message that I loved! She is a mom of 2 kids, a 5 year old boy, and a little girl that is almost (in a couple months) a year old -

"I love being a mom for many reasons! First off I absolutely love being called "mama" the word has so much meaning and love & I feel very honored to be a mama! I love waking up to my two babies each & every day. I feel so blessed to be their mommy. My day revolves around them & only them each & every day and I would not have it any other way! I have always dreamed of being a mommy ever since I was little. There is no better feeling in the world. You don't know how strong you can actually love somebody until you become a mother! My babies complete me & that is why I love being a mother :)"

Another response I loved, who has asked to remain anonymous - 

"My family has never had professional pictures done, though I know my mom would really love to have some. My mom deserves something really special for mothers day, for being one of the most self-sacrificing people I know. She works her tail off, and is always encouraging. She has inspired me and my two little brothers, and taught us to be respectful and caring kids. Love that woman! She would love this opportunity. Thanks!"

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